経営行動科学学会(JAAS:The Japanese Association of Administrative Science)

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ホームニュース お知らせ › JAAS西日本部会、国際学術交流、京都大学大学院経済学研究科合同研究会のご案内(10月27日)開催のご案内






日時 : 平成291027日(金) 16:0017:30
場所 : 京都大学大学院経済学研究科 法経東館B1F みずほホール
(会場へのアクセス: http://www.econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp/about/access/
講師 : Dr. Kai Chi (Samuel) Yam (National University of Singapore)
Why So Serious? A Laboratory and Field Investigation of the Tension between Morality and Humor(講演は英語で行われます)

コメント(日本語): 関口倫紀(京都大学)
参加費: 無料
定員: なし

今回は、組織行動論における気鋭の若手研究者であり、Poets and Quants社による「2016年版世界のU-40経営学教授ベスト40」の1人に選出されたDr. Kai Chi (Samuel) Yam先生をお招きし、現在精力的に取り組んでおられる「職場における倫理性とユーモアに関する研究」について語っていただきます。職場において強い倫理観を持って仕事をすることは重要だと考えられています。一方で、冗談を言って笑いを取ったりするユーモアも職場の雰囲気を和ませるうえで有用だと考えられます。しかし、この2つの間にはなんとなく緊張関係がありそうです。例えば、倫理観が強い上司はユーモアに欠ける面白みのない上司だと思われるかもしれません。Yam先生に科学的見地からそれらの関係性を解き明かしていただきたいと思います。

Abstract: Previous research has identified many positive organizational outcomes resulting from a central moral identity, while overlooking potential negative social consequences for the moral individual. Drawing from Benign Violation Theory, we explore the tension between moral identity and humor, and the downstream workplace consequences of such tension. Consistent with our hypotheses, participants whose moral identities were situationally activated were less likely to appreciate humor that involved benign moral violations (Study 1a) and less likely to generate jokes others found funny (Study 2a), compared to participants in the control condition. We replicated these findings using a chronic measure of moral identity (Studies 1b/2b). Additional field studies demonstrated that employees (Study 3) and leaders (Study 4) with strong moral identities and who display ethical leadership are perceived as less humorous by their co-workers, and to the extent that this is the case are less liked and popular in the workplace. Study 4 further demonstrated two competing mediating pathways – leaders with strong moral identities are perceived as less humorous but also as more trustworthy, with differentiating effects on interpersonal liking and popularity. Although having moral employees and leaders can come with many benefits, our research shows that there can be offsetting costs associated with an internalized moral identity: reduced humor and subsequent likeability in the workplace.


Dr. Kai Chi (Samuel) Yam

Assistant Professor of Management
National University of Singapore Business School

ヤム カイチ(サミュエル)先生



Dr. Kai Chi (Samuel) Yam is an Assistant Professor of Management at the National University of Singapore Business School. He received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from the University of Washington in 2015. Dr. Yam’s research focuses primarily on behavioral ethics, leadership, and humor. His work has been published in premier journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Journal of Management, among other journals. His work has also been covered both locally within Asia (e.g., South China Morning Post, The Straits Times) and internationally (e.g., Harvard Business Review, The Huffington Post, The Times). In 2016, he was named by Poets and Quants as one of the Best 40 under 40 Business Professors in the world. In his spare time, Dr. Yam enjoys playing basketball, traveling, and playing with his cute corgi named Popcorn.

北居明(西日本部会担当理事) kitai☆center.konan-u.ac.jp
関口倫紀(国際学術交流担当理事) tomoki☆econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp
