経営行動科学学会(JAAS:The Japanese Association of Administrative Science)

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ホームニュース お知らせ › 京都大学・経営学セミナーのお知らせ





11月1日(月)18:30より、グローバル・コンサルティング・ファームであるエゴンゼンダー東京オフィス代表の丸山 泰史氏を迎えた講演会を行います(使用言語:英語)。エゴンゼンダーが行った約1000人のCEOを対象とする調査結果に基づき、世界で最も成功しているCEOの特徴や、優れたグローバルリーダーとして活躍するための方法などについてご講演いただきます。講演はZoomで行われ、どなたでも無料で参加可能です。奮ってご参加ください。



Yasushi Maruyama(丸山泰史)(Egon Zehnder, Head of Tokyo Office)

“Leadership Selection & Development” Major Findings from 1000 CEO Survey by Egon Zehnder

Egon Zehnder is a global premier leadership advisory firm, operating in 40 countries to support top leaders (namely CEO’s/Board’s) of large corporates with solutions such as leadership assessment/development, executive search, board consulting etc. As Managing Partner of Tokyo office and global executive committee member, Mr Maruyama will share the findings from the Egon Zehnder’s work, including the recent “Global CEO survey”, which collected responses from ~1,000 CEO’s on their leadership challenges. He will also share the insights from his own hands-on experience of supporting CEO’s of top companies in various sectors through assessment, coaching, and consulting, so that the participants can learn the essence of leadership in the corporate sector of today. The session will be the combination of a lecture and workshop, i.e. the participants will not only gain additional knowledge, but also get a chance to upgrade their leadership with some practical tools used for CEO’s.

About speaker
Yasushi Maruyama, Egon Zehnder’s office leader in Tokyo and a member of the Firm’s Executive Committee, leads Industrial Practice in Japan and is active in the firm’s Leadership Advisory Practice. Yasushi provides a full range of services including executive and board search, leadership consulting, management appraisals, and leadership development support for executives, leveraging cutting-edge psychological methodologies. Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Yasushi was an Engagement Manager with McKinsey & Company where he worked with multinational companies across Japan, Europe, Africa, and Australia on senior management issues such as corporate turn-around, cross-border M&A, and organizational transformation. Yasushi earned BS and MS degrees in Computer Science at University of Tokyo, and an MBA with distinction from INSEAD in Singapore. Yasushi periodically provides career education seminars and lectures for university, high school, and junior high school students in Japan.

問い合わせ先:関口 倫紀 (tomoki [at] econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp)(送信時に[at]を@に変更してください)
