経営行動科学学会(JAAS:The Japanese Association of Administrative Science)

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ホームニュース お知らせ › 京都大学・経営学セミナー(経営行動科学学会国際経営部会との共催)のお知らせ





2021年7月13日(火)に、 London School of Economics and Political ScienceのHyun-Jung Lee先生をお招きし、fsQCAを用いた多国籍企業の自国中心主義的人材配置に関する研究について講演をしていただきます。講演はZoomで行われ、どなたでも無料で参加可能です。奮ってご参加ください。



Hyun-Jung Lee (Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Cross Cultural Management, London School of Economics and Political Science)

Cultures and Institutions: Dispositional and contextual explanations for country-of-origin effects in MNC ‘ethnocentric’ staffing practices

Although the country-of-origin effect on staffing practices of multinational corporations (MNCs) is well-known, its underlying mechanisms are under-theorized. Drawing on the cross-cultural management and comparative institutionalism literatures, we propose an overarching, theory-based framework with two mechanisms, dispositional and contextual, that might explain country-of-origin effects in MNCs’ use of parent-country nationals (PCNs) in their foreign subsidiaries’ top management teams. The tendency of MNCs from some home countries to staff these positions with PCNs is typically labelled as ‘ethnocentric’, a word imbued with negative intentions referring mainly to the dispositional rationale behind this staffing choice. However, fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) of staffing practices of MNCs from ten home countries shows that both mechanisms ? dispositional and contextual ? have considerable explanatory power. Our methodological approach enables us to analyse conceptually distinct, yet empirically intertwined, societal-level explanations as a pattern, and thus offers a viable solution to integrate different perspectives in international and comparative research.

About the Speaker
Hyun-Jung LEE is Assistant Professor in OB and Cross-Cultural Management at the Department of Management, LSE. Trained as a psychologist, she has taught in East Asia and Europe, and worked with private, public and non-government organizations including Samsung, LG, Rolls-Royce, HSBC, and OECD. She is an expert in cosmopolitanism and cross-cultural management and her research has been published in leading management journals including Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Organization Studies. Dr Lee received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Psychology at Seoul National University, and PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She was previously Assistant Professor in OB at KAIST Business School.

LSE Homepage: https://www.lse.ac.uk/management/people/academic-staff/hlee
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=b4Wx3T4AAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=2
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hyun-Jung-Lee-14

問い合わせ先:関口 倫紀 (tomoki [at] econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp)(送信時に[at]を@に変更してください)
