経営行動科学学会(JAAS:The Japanese Association of Administrative Science)

経営行動科学学会(JAAS) マイページログイン
ホームニュース お知らせ › 京都大学・経営学セミナーのお知らせ





2021年9月15日(水)に、National University of Singapore/Kyoto University のKai Chi (Sam) Yam先生をお招きし、経営・生活・医療場面における人間とロボットの共生に関する興味深い研究について講演をしていただきます。講演はZoomで行われ、どなたでも無料で参加可能です。奮ってご参加ください。



Kai Chi (Sam) Yam (Associate Professor, National University of Singapore and Kyoto University)

How do employees, customers, and patients perceive and interact with robots and machines?

The rise of technology has fundamentally changed our everyday lives: how we find love (e.g., Coffee Meets Bagel), how we shop (e.g., Amazon Prime), and?especially?how we work. In this talk, I will present a number of projects that examine how employees and customers react to the rise of machines at work. In the first project, I use an archival study spanning across 185 US metropolitan areas, three experiments, and an experience sampling study to demonstrate the negative consequences of being exposed to robots for employees at work. In the second project, I use a field experiment conducted in the world’s first robot-staffed hotel and a controlled experiment to demonstrate how organizations can design robots that maximize customer satisfaction. In the final project, I discuss the use of robots in medicine, and how it can improve medical outcomes for patients, especially minorities and those low in SES, in the context of COVID-19. Studies have shown that people are generally averse to algorithms and robots making medical decisions despite their effectiveness, and in three studies I propose an intervention to offset this algorithm aversion as a way to optimize patients’ medical decision making.

About the Speaker
Dr. Kai Chi (Sam) Yam is an Associate Professor and Dean’s Chair at the National University of Singapore Business School, where he also serves as Assistant Dean of Faculty Development. Sam’s research focuses primarily on behavioral ethics, leadership, and the future of work. His work has been published in premier journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, British Medical Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personnel Psychology, PNAS, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

問い合わせ先:関口 倫紀 (tomoki [at] econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp)(送信時に[at]を@に変更してください)
