Information on the 18th Annual Meeting
Dear member,
I hope this correspondence finds you in good health.
The Japanese Association of Administrative Science (JAAS) will hold its 18th annual meeting this year. The meeting will be held over two days, on November 14 (Saturday) and 15 (Sunday),
2015, on the Nagoya Campus of Aichi University. We look forward to seeing many of our members there.
With a view to replicating the success of last year’s excellent annual meeting, we are once more inviting applications for presentations via our homepage. In order to enhance the quality of presentations, we are expanding the presentation summary field on the application form, and following the submission of presentation papers, the organizing committee will conduct a screening and give feedback to some of the presenters. For this reason, the deadlines for presentation applications and presentation papers will be earlier than usual. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
It is vibrant exchanges transcending the roles of researchers, business people and students that go to make a rewarding and high quality annual meeting. I look forward to seeing a great many applications. Wishing you the best,
May 2015
Yasuo Hoshino
(Aichi University and the University of Tsukuba)
18th Annual Meeting Organizing Committee Director
Japanese Association of Administrative Science
Call for Papers
The 18th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Administrative Science
will be held at the Nagoya Campus, Aichi University during November 14-15, 2015
(About ten minutes walk from Nagoya Station)
The Registration fee: US $200 includes two lunches, refreshments for 4 coffee breaks, a reception, and a CD-ROM proceedings.
To submit a proposal, send a paper or an abstract of a paper to the Conference Chair.
All papers and abstracts will be desk reviewed and can be rejected without a referee report. Those that pass the desk review will then be eligible for the Journal’s normal review process.
Deadline for submission: October 17, 2015
Deadline for Registration: October 24, 2015
Conference Chair
Prof. Dr. Yasuo Hoshino
Aichi University and the University of Tsukuba
Mail:, Tel&Fax 81-52-937-8264, Mobile 81-90-6520-6522,
Japanese Association of Administrative Science has an academic journal tilted Japanese Journal of Administrative Science which include English and Japanese papers.
Instructions for Authors
This refereed journal includes articles, research notes, review articles, research resources, investigation reports, case studies and book reviews in areas such as management, organization, human resources management, marketing and international business.
1. Manuscripts must not have been previously published in whole or in part.
2. Send three copies of the manuscript or submit on line as a MS WORD file to the editor-in-chief.
3. The first page of the manuscript should include the following information: title, name(s) of author(s),
institutional affiliation(s),
address, telephone and fax number, e-mail address. On the next page of the
manuscript include the title and abstract.
4. The abstract should be between 100 and 175 words.
5. References: List references alphabetically by the author’s last name at the end of paper. The style of
references should follow these examples: House, R. 1971 A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness.
Administrative Science Quarterly, 2, 321-329. Taylor, P.N. 1984 Behavioral decision making,
Glenview, Ill: Scott, Foresman and Co.
6. In the text, references can be cited as, follows: Anderson (1968) describes………., Anderson (1967a),
Anderson (1967b).
7. Tables: Type tables on separate pages after the text of the paper. When referring to a specific table in
the text of the paper, use Table 1, etc.
8. Figures: Provide figures in camera-ready form of a professional quality. When referring to a specific
figure, use Figure 1, etc.
9. The copyright of published papers belongs to the Japanese Association of Administrative Science.
Manuscripts: Send a file of Manuscript in MS Word to Professor Wataru Ide Editor-in-Chief, E-mail: Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Osaka Prefectural University, 1-1 Gakuencho, Naka-ku, Osaka Japan 599-8531
Tel & Fax: 81-72-254-9630