経営行動科学学会(JAAS:The Japanese Association of Administrative Science)

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AAOM/APJM Paper Development Workshop & Mini Conferenceのお知らせ

AAOM/APJM Paper Development Workshop (PDW) & Mini Conferenceのお知らせ

Asia Academy of Management(AAOM)とAsia Pacific Journal of Management(APJM)は、2023年2月28日に東京にてPaper Development Workshop(PDW)を、翌3月1日に新潟にてMini Conference(“Managing Challenges in the Asia Pacific”)を開催します。

PDWのメンターは、APJM編集長のLi-Qun Wei教授(香港バプティスト大学)とChinmay Pattnaik教授(シドニー大学)、また副編集長のMaoliang Bu教授(南京大学)と竹内規彦教授(早稲田大学・本学会長)が担当し、若手研究者の論文に対する建設的な助言を行います(使用言語は英語)。



※    本件の質問は、経営行動科学学会ではお受けしておりませんので、PDF内のアドレスまでご連絡ください。

Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) and Asia Pacific Journal of Management (APJM) will conduct a paper development workshop (PDW) on February 28, 2023 in Tokyo followed by a mini-conference titled Managing Challenges in the Asia Pacific on March 1, 2023 in Niigata at International University of Japan (IUJ), Japan.

Mentors for the PDW will include: APJM Editors-in-Chief Li-Qun Wei (Hong Kong Baptist University) and Chinmay Pattnaik (University of Sydney), as well as APJM Senior Editors Maoliang Bu (Nanjing University) and Norihiko Takeuchi (Waseda University and President of JAAS), who will offer constructive feedback on papers submitted from young researchers.

The deadline for paper submission to PDW is January 31st, 2023.

For details, please see the attached PDF file.

* Any questions regarding this event should be directed to the address in the PDF announcement.

