JAAS(The Japanese Association of Administrative Science)

JAAS(The Japanese Association of Administrative Science)


About the Discussion Paper

These are “report papers” that contain the interim progress and so on of papers, which are not necessarily completed academic papers, with the aim of inviting a wide range of opinions in order to disclose the results of research and promote research exchange and joint research.

Posting and Inquiries concerning Paper

Posting address: mmatu64@yahoo.co.jp(send upon changing the @ to half-width size)
7 Kitakyujonishi, Kita-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan 060-0809
Mr. Makoto Matsuo
Editor, JAAS Discussion Paper
Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Hokkaido University

Here for the Regulations on Writing and Posting for JAAS Discussion Papers

Discussion Paper Archive

Discussion Paper(2007)

◆NO.2 dp-2007-2E April 2007
Fitting with Organizations or Jobs?
A Multilevel Investigation of HR Effects on Employee Behaviors(PDF)

Author:Norihiko Takeuchi(School of Management Tokyo University of Science)
Author:Tomokazu Takeuchi(Department of Career Development Kawaguchi Junior College)
Author:Yutaka Toshima(College of Commerce Nihon University)

Discussion Paper(2007)

◆NO.1 dp-2007-1E February 2007
Shareholders’ Value Creation and Destruction: The Stock Prices’ Effects of Merger Announcement in Japan(PDF)
Author:Ognjenka Zrilic(Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba)
Author:Yasuo Hoshino(Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba)